HipHopistan poster
A poster advertising HipHopistan including images of performers Abstract/Vision, MC Kabir, Chee Malabar, Yogi B & Natchatra and DJ Rekha.
Organizational Description
A two page document with a brief history of India Alert and also describing aims, guiding principles and the structure of the organization.
Indian Students' Meeting to Protest Indira Gandhi's Subversion of Democracy in India (1975)
Flyer advertising meeting to "Protest Indira Gandhi's Subversion of Democracy" on five charges, including the imposition of emergency, suspension of constitutional rights, media censorship, arrest of political leaders and newspaper editors. Includes several quotes from an AP report in Chicago Sun-Times, describing the arrests and the motivations behind Gandhi's actions.
Political Crisis in India
A notice from the Chicago-based organization Indians For Political Freedom, which describes the group's formation and its demands. The notice urges Indians in the U.S. and Canada to "raise a voice a support of our compatriots whose constitutional rights have been denied."
"A Political Prophecy Based on Truth of Life" (1939)
Two-sided broadsheet titled "A Political Prophecy Based on Truth of Life," with extracts from Bhagat Singh Thind's lecture on India and the European War delivered on December 18, 1939 at the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago.
The Hindusthanee Student (January 1914)
The January 1914 issue of The Hindusthanee Student: A Quarterly Review of Education, published by the Hindusthan Association of America (HAA) in Chicago. The officers of the Association include Sudhindra Bose, C. Chakravarty, Rafidin Ahmed, S.M. Pagar, S.N. Kar, and Basanta Koomar Roy, with a longer list of councillors from "East," "Middle West," and "West" sections.
The Hindusthanee Student (April & July 1914)
The April/July 1914 issue of The Hindusthanee Student: A Quarterly Review of Education (Vol 1. No. 2-3) published in Chicago and serving as the official organ of the Hindustan Association of America (HAA). The officers of the HAA at time of the publication included Sudhindra Bose, C. Chakravarty, Rafidin Ahmed, A.A. Mansuriddin, S.N. Kar, S.K. Roy, S.M. Pagar, and Basanta Koomar Roy.