Eulogy for R.C. Bose
Eulogy for Raj Chandra Bose delivered by Pranab Kumar Sen from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill-Raleigh statistics complex. It mentions Bose’s achievements in the field of mathematics as well as his appreciation for classical Indian literature and love of world travel.
Eulogy for R.C. Bose
Eulogy for Raj Chandra Bose delivered by Norman L. Johnson from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill-Raleigh statistics complex. It mentions Bose’s achievements in the field of mathematics and his specific contributions to the statistics department at UNC.
Professor Raj Chandra Bose: In Memorium
Text memorializing mathematician and statistician Raj Chandra Bose, written by Jaya Srivastava at Colorado State University (where Bose taught).
Memories of Professor R.C. Bose
"Memories of Professor R.C. Bose," a text written by Bennet Manvel at Colorado State University in November 1987 in honor of mathematician and statistician Raj Chandra Bose.
Excerpt from Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
Excerpt from Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, a 1983 biography of Indian statistician Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis written by A. Mahalanobis, which mentions Raj Chandra Bose as an outstanding mathematician.
Eulogy for R.C. Bose
Eulogy for Raj Chandra Bose delivered by unknown speaker. The majority of the eulogy is composed of verses from the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita.
My Reminiscences of the Indian Statistical Institute
Text written by mathematician and statistician Raj Chandra Bose entitled "My Reminiscences of the Indian Statistical Institute," which details Bose's experiences joining and working at the Indian Statistical Institute, as well as how he came to leave the institute to move to the United States.
"695 receive degrees at CSU"
Clipping from the Fort Collins Coloradoan dated August 6, 1976 and entitled "695 receive degrees at CSU." Mentions that Raj Chandra Bose was honored during a Colorado State University commencement ceremony for his election to membership in the National Academy of Sciences.
AIA's First Honor Banquet A Singular Success
Front page of an issue of TransIndia dated November 12, 1973 and including the article "AIA's First Honor Banquet A Singular Success." Describes the first honor banquet held by the Association of Indians in America.