Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull, in which he discusses a "letter tour" in Punjab Colleges. Gyanee also requests financial help in order to build a "Modern School of Creative Thought." According to the letter, it appears that he received Margaret Sanger's address (which was earlier requested).
Letter from G.J. Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Letter from G.J. Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee, wishing him luck on his new venture (presumably the American Institute of Culture). Watumull discusses what he sees as the two major problems facing India: the production of food and control of population.
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to William Winter
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to William Winter, a news reporter on KABC Los Angeles, dated April 28, 1958. In the letter, Gyanee discusses his thoughts about the American people, nuclear power and weaponry, and human evolution.
Letter from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Letter from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee dated October 22, 1959. In the letter, Watumull informs Gyanee that her husband, G.J. Watumull has passed away.
The Watumull Foundation Contribution to East-West Understanding
1959 U.S. Congressional Record detailing the proceedings and debates of the 86th Congress, First Session. This 2-page document prints the remarks given by John A. Burns, a Delegate from Hawaii, on the contribution by the Watumull foundation on East-West understanding.
Letter from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Aerogramme from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee dated January 12, 1960 in response to Gyanee's letter from December 25, 1959. Watumull mentions that she has sent Gyanee's list of requested book to Sather Gate Book Shops in San Francisco, which will send the books to his Self-Culture Institute in India.
Letter from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Aerogramme from Ellen Watumull to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee, written in response to Gyanee's letter dated March 23. Watumull mentions that she is expecting a visit from S.K. Patil, the Minister of Food and Agriculture for India and gives a few details about her work on developing the East-West Center.
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull dated October 4, 1960. Gyanee mentions that he has been hospitalized at the General Hospital in Chandigarh, but will be released on October 9th. The letter also mentions that his "Self-Culture institute" received five packages of books, donated by the Watumull foundation, and that the Institute's inauguration will be held Christmas that year.