The United States of India (May 1926)
The May 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 3, No. 11) features a cover titled "Rani Lakshmi Bai: Heroine of the War of Independence of 1857" with a image of Lakshmi Bai and a short blurb describing her role in the 1857 War of Independence. Interestingly, the blurb draws a comparison between British propagandists' treatment of U.S. and Indian history.
The United States of India (July 1926)
The July 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 1) features a cover with the title "America's Message to India: Declaration of Independence from British Rule," commemorating the American Independence day in the hope that "some day India may celebrate her day of independence." The Declaration of Independence is printed in its entirety.
The United States of India (October 1926)
The October 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 4) features the following articles and headlines: "India in Revolt"; "Reply to Lord Irwin: Causes of Hindu-Muslim Trouble" by B.F.
The United States of India (November 1926)
The November 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 5) celebrates the fourteenth anniversary of the Hindustan Gadar Party, with images of ten of four hundred of India's martyrs who were hanged between 1915 and 1916. The issue features the following articles and headlines: "India's Heroes," "Britain Plans Intervention in China," "Comments on Dr.
The United States of India (December 1926)
The December 1926 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 6) opens with the headline "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." The issue features the following articles and headlines: "The Crumbling of the British empire," "Religion and Politics" by "L.R.," "Shameless Act of British Barbarism in China," and "Political Theories of the Hindu" (continued from pervious issue).
The United States of India (January 1927)
The January 1927 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 7) opens with a headline on the 1926 "Imperial Conference," which was held in London and led to the signing of the Balfour Declaration.
The United States of India (February 1927)
The February 1927 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 8) opens with the headline "India's Fight for Freedom." The issue also features a "Resolution on China," whereby the Hindustan Gadar Party adopted a resolution to support the Chinese against British imperialism.
The United States of India (March 1927)
The March 1927 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, No. 9) features the following articles and headlines: "Indian Troops to China," "America's Interest in India" by J.T. Sunderland, and "The Indians in South Africa."
The United States of India (May 1927)
The May 1927 edition of the The United States of India (Vol. 4, Nos. 10-11) features the following articles and headlines: "India's Deeper Change," "China, the Hope of Asia," "The Status of Indians Abroad," "Greater Indian Society," "The Brussels Congress."