Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance Newsletter
In this article from summer 1995 of the APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) newsletter, Bella Comelo is featured as she joins the board and speaks out about priorities such as affirmative action and immigration justice.
Service Employees International Union to Bella Comelo
This award from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) was given to Bella Comelo for her hard work organizing workers at the San Francisco Airport to unionize. She mentions this campaign in her oral history of her experience becoming a union member and then organizing others.
"My New Vision" by Bella Comelo
In 2000, as unions shifted more to an organizing model rather than just serving needs of members, SEIU brought on a new leadership team. When Bella Comelo was elected to this team, she wrote this poem. She noted, "After this the classified staff got annuity reinstated, but after I got promotion it was taken out again."
Contract Terminations of Parkmerced Employees, Lead to Picket Lines
When janitorial workers were fired at a prominent condo complex in San Francisco in April 2015, Emmanuel Eric was quoted in an article in the Golden Gate Express as a board member of the union representing them, stating, “(Preferred Building Services) are not feeling our pain,” Eric said. “They see a dollar sign.