"What You Need To Know About HIV & AIDS"
Pamphlet by South Asian AIDS Action (SAAA) entitled "What You Need To Know About HIV & AIDS.” The pamphlet provides facts about HIV/AIDS and aims to dispel common fears and misinformation, and offers resources including translation services and confidential assistance by phone.
The Indian-American (September 1991)
September 1991 issue of the Indian-American containing articles about the victimization of AIDS patients in India, how San Francisco Indian-Americans won minority status, the role Sonia Gandhi played in India’s oldest political party, the challenge to New Delhi in the new world order, and a nature article about hippopotami.
Correspondence from South Asian AIDS Action
Letter from South Asian AIDS Action dated October 1991 in regards to the effectiveness of the AIDS demonstrations of August 1991 and how the organization will proceed to achieve the goals outlined in the letter. A calendar of events in New York was included in the letter.
"India AIDS Action Demonstration in NY"
Article written by Manisha Mirchandrani for the India Monitor dated August 19, 1991. This article summarizes an August 13th demonstration organized by India AIDS Action to protest the AIDS policies of the Indian government. Protesters said the policies and pending legislation regarding AIDS/HIV patients deny basic human rights and are contrary to World Health Organization guidelines.
"AIDS Action demonstrates in front of Indian Consulate"
News clipping of an article written by Esha Dutt in Spotlight weekly newspaper. Article summarizes the simultaneous demonstrations in front of several Indian Consulates in U.S. and U.K. The demonstration organized by AIDS Action sought to bring attention to the way the Indian government was handling the AIDS public health crisis in August 1991.
India AIDS Action Handout
Handout from India AIDS Action regarding the AIDS public health crisis in India. Handout argues what is needed to combat AIDS regarding the following topics: public health, economics, human rights, and non-resident Indians with AIDS.
"Prevention Not Detention!" Flyer
“Prevention Not Detention”: a flyer printed by South Asian AIDS Action (SAAA) calling for a protest against the Indian government’s irresponsible policies around the HIV/AIDS crisis.
India AIDS Action Informational Handout
Handout from India AIDS Action, dated 1991, regarding the AIDS public health crisis in India. This handout seeks to generate action for more education, preventative training, and medical and government assistance to the public as well as to HIV patients.