India League of America Suggested Reading List
Suggested reading list collated by the India League of America. Included on the list are writings by H.H. Brailsford, R. Palme Dutte, Louis Fischer, Kumar Goshal, Lin Yutang, Jawaharlal Nehru, among others.
Advance Summaries of Addresses Delivered at India Independence Day Dinner
A document from the India League of America excerpting speeches being given during the India Independence Dinner hosted in honor of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit on January 26, 1945 in New York City. The document excerpts speeches by Pandit, Pearl S. Buck, Lin Yutang, Elsa Maxwell, Francis J. McConnell, and Sirdar J.J. Singh.
A Report on the Memorial Meeting
Report on a meeting organized by the India League of America on February 7, 1948, held in honor of Gandhi, who was assassinated that January. The report contains excerpts from speeches by Sirdar J.J. Singh, Sheikh Mohammad Abdulla, M. Asaf Ali, Warren R. Austin, N.
Extracts of a speech by Louis Fischer at India League Mass Meeting
Report on a speech given by Louis Fischer at the India League Mass Meeting on August 9, 1943. Fischer argued for the decolonization of India, with special attention given to the war effort and steps that ought to be taken, including the release of Indian leaders. "It is time to realize," Fischer said, "that the white man can remain in the East as a friend but not as a master."
Invitation to Tenth Anniversary Meeting of the India League of America
Invitation to the Tenth Anniversary Meeting of the India League of America dated January 6, 1948. The guest speakers list includes Henry F. Grady, U.S. Ambassador to India; Pearl S. Buck, Author and Nobel Prize Winner; Roger N. Baldwin, Director of the American Civil Liberties Union; J.J. Singh, President of the India League of America; and Hemendra K.
Postcard for Meeting to Honor Dr. Syud Hossain
Invitation from Indian League of America to a meeting to pay tribute to Dr. Syud Hossain, India’s Ambassador to Egypt, who died February 25, 1949.
"A Memorial Meeting to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi"
Announcement for a memorial meeting to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on Sat. February 7th, 1948 in New York, NY. Meeting was held by the India League of America.