India & Canada (April 1930)
The April 1930 edition of India & Canada, subtitled "A Journal of Interpretation and Information," includes items printed in both English and Punjabi. Short news items describe various visiting lecturers and conferences in Canada and India. Specific articles include "The First Canadian Sikh Aviator," "Is There a Canadian Loyalty To India?," and "Industrial Leaders of B.C.
India Today (February 1946)
February 1946 issue of India Today, the monthly bulletin issued by the India League of America. The bulletin includes short reports on famine in Bengal, provincial elections in Sindh, American Troops in India, and shorter items regarding the activity of the Indian nationalist movement, as well as the work of Sirdar J.J. Singh, President of the India League of America.
Canada and India
The January-February 1917 edition of India & Canada (Vol. 3, No. 1), subtitled "A Monthly Journal of Information and Conciliation" published several new sitems reporting on Indians in Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and Trinidad.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #8 (Summer/Fall 1997)
The Summer/Fall 1997 issue of SAMAR (No. 8), subtitled "Organizing by Any Means Necessary," addressed activist movements, with a special attention to Organizers in the San Francisco Bay Area, South Asian domestic workers, and the Bhopal campaign.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #3 (Summer 1994)
The Summer 1994 issue of SAMAR (No. 3), entitled "The Packaging of South Asia," included articles that analyzed representations of South Asia in the world, with special attention to representations of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, and Kashmir.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #13 (Winter/Spring 2001)
The Winter/Spring 2001 issue of SAMAR (No. 13), entitled "Come, Africa" included several articles that highlighted the relationship between the Indian subcontinent and Africa continent, from comparative essays to features on the South Asian diaspora in Africa. The issue also includes an interview with Mahmood Mamdani by Nauman Naqvi and Chandana Mathur.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #14 (Fall/Winter 2001)
The Fall/Winter 2001 issue of SAMAR (No. 14) includes several articles that explore the notion of a "South Asian American Generation," raising questions about identity politics, youth activism, and the connection between diasporas. The issue is prefaced by an editorial note about September 11, 2001, and its aftermath.