Oral History Interview with Neena Gada
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Neena Gada immigrated to Minnesota in 1967. She was active in both the School of India for Languages and Culture [SILC] and the India Association of Minnesota [IAM].
Oral History Interview with Shikha Gupta
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Deep Shikha Gupta came to Minnesota in 1986 and completed her PhD in economics. She became involved with the School of India for Languages and Culture [SILC] and also the India Association of Minnesota [IAM].
Oral History Interview with Dilip Mallick
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Dilip Mallick immigrated to Minnesota in 1985 and became involved with the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] shortly thereafter. He became president of the organization in 2005.
Oral History Interview with Ashoke Mandal
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Ashoke Mandal came to Minnesota in 1995 and upon arrival contacted various members of the Indian community. He became president of the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] in 2002.
Oral History Interview with Niru Misra
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Niru Misra came to the United States at a young age and became involved in the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] soon after college. She served on the board of IAM for three years before being elected president.
Oral History Interview with Sarat Mohapatra
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Sarat Mohapatra was born in India and came to the United States in 1972. After moving to Minnesota, he became involved in the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] and became president of the organization in the late 1990s.
Oral History Interview with Godan Nambudiripad
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Godan Nambudiripad came to Minnesota in 1981 with his family and became acquainted with the Indian community. He became president of the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] in 1990.
Oral History Interview with Stefan Peterson
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Stefan Peterson married an Indian and thus became involved in the Indian community. He became actively involved with the Festival of Nations and was later appointed president of the India Association of Minnesota [IAM].
Oral History Interview with Shanti Shah
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Shanti Shah moved to Minnesota in 1974 and began meeting members of the Indian community. She was involved in the School of India for Languages and Culture [SILC] and the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] and became president of IAM in the 1990s.
Oral History Interview with Dr. Vasant Sukhatme
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Dr. Vasant Sukhatme was born in India and came to Minnesota in 1978 after finishing his PhD in economics. He became president of the India Association of Minnesota [IAM] in 1996.