The Crisis In India
Published in 1942, The Crisis in India contains two essays first published in New York-based Fellowship: the first by Haridas Mazumdar, detailing Gandhi's political strategies during World War II; the second by Gandhi's secretary Mahadev Desai.
Bhagwan Singh Lecture on July 15, 1942
A lecture delivered by Bhagwan Singh Gyanee on July 15, 1942 as part of a summer conference. The topic for the lecture is on experimental psychology. In the 10 minute audio clip, Gyanee summarizes and reiterates the three important lessons from the lecture the evening prior and introduces the subject of experimental psychology.
Haridas Mazumdar on pacifism
Essay by Haridas Mazumdar on the philosophy of Pacificism, dated September 21, 1943.
Advance Summaries of Addresses Delivered at India Independence Day Dinner
A document from the India League of America excerpting speeches being given during the India Independence Dinner hosted in honor of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit on January 26, 1945 in New York City. The document excerpts speeches by Pandit, Pearl S. Buck, Lin Yutang, Elsa Maxwell, Francis J. McConnell, and Sirdar J.J. Singh.
Letter from Har Dayal to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Letter from Har Dayal to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee, dated August 9, 1936. Strangely, Dayal addresses Gyanee as "Madam" in its salutation. Dayal inquires about events in the U.S., and updates Gyanee on his activities in England.
The Minneapolis Kiwanian
This issue of The Minneapolis Kiwanian contains an advertisement for Dr. Bhagwan S. Gyanee's upcoming lecture on "America Witherbound.---Mystic Symbology of the Seal of the United States."