I.S.A. Banquet Admission Ticket
Admission ticket for I.S.A. banquet at the University of Oklahoma, dated April 26, 1957. From the scrapbook of Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn.
Club Officers Named
Clipping from unknown newspaper dated February 26, 1957, and entitled "Club Officers Named." The article reports the election of Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn as president of the University of Oklahoma's International Club.
Clipping from unknown newspaper, entitled "Educators" and dated April 26, 1957. It pictures Dr. Kumar Durganand Sinha, director of the institute of psychological research and service at Patna University in India, in conversation with Dr. Muzafer Sherif, director of the institute of group relations at the University of Oklahoma.
Clipping from the Sunday Independent dated March 3, 1957. It quotes the University of Oklahoma's International Club president, Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn, as saying that all students were welcome to join the club.
UN Dinner Here to Star 3 Foreign Students
Clipping from the Oklahoma City Times entitled "UN Dinner Here to Star 3 Foreign Students" and dated October 23, 1957. The article discusses a United Nations Day dinner in Oklahoma City wherein three students, including the University of Oklahoma's International Club president Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn, spoke about their experiences at the UN.
Panel on UN Due to Feature Four Nations
Clipping from the Daily Oklahoman entitled "Panel on UN Due to Feature Four Nations" and dated October 24, 1957. The article discusses a United Nations Day dinner in Oklahoma City wherein three students, including the University of Oklahoma's International Club president Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn, spoke about their experiences at the UN.
Admission of Red China to UN Urged
Clipping from the Daily Oklahoman entitled "Admission of Red China to UN Urged" and dated October 25, 1957. The article discusses a United Nations Day dinner in Oklahoma City wherein three students, including the University of Oklahoma's International Club president Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn, spoke about their experiences at the UN.
Rotary News
Volume 2, issue 35 of Rotary News, the weekly publication of the Lindsay Rotary Club, dated March 20, 1956. Mentions Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn, engineering student at the University of Oklahoma, as an upcoming speaker.
Installation Banquet (1956)
Program for the Altus, OK chapter of the Kiwanis Club's 1956 Installation Banquet, listing Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn as the featured speaker.
1956 Installation Banquet Admission Ticket
Admission ticket for the Installation Banquet held by the Altus, OK chapter of the Kiwanis Club. This event was held on January 20, 1956 and featured Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn as the keynote speaker.