Letter from Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Letter from an attorney at AALDEF thanking Roop Persaud for their testimony at a hearing held by NYS Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment about the Asian American community.
Sumi Kailasapathy Interview with Boston Lanka
In this interview, Sumi Kailasapathy explains how and why her campaign messaging for City Council Member of Ann Arbor draws from her experience living through the armed violence in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. She speaks on how these experiences are what drives her politics, particularly in advocating on behalf of historically marginalized communities.
Farewell Notes to Angela Nawang
The friends who wrote notes to Angela Nawang were largely representative of the school they attended and her friend circle. Almost all of them are either South Asian American or Chinese American. This is a collection of her South Asian friends remembering her as the girl who spoke Hindi and had a trove of Bollywood movie recommendations.
ArtWallah 2002 Artist Welcome Packet
Welcome packet for artists participating in the 2002 iteration of ArtWallah (a recurring festival of South Asian American arts in California). Includes a template welcome letter, a checklist of pre-festival tasks and reminders, and two personalized letters addressed to Preeti Kaur Rajpal and Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla. Dated March 11, 2002.
ArtWallah 2002 Press Letters
Collection of letters sent to various individuals and organizations announcing the 2002 iteration of ArtWallah (a recurring festival of South Asian American arts in California).
ArtWallah 2002 Funding Acceptance Letters
Four letters granting funding for travel expenses to participants of ArtWallah 2002, the third annual festival of South Asian American art. The festival was held at the Los Angeles LGBT Center from April 26-28, 2002; funding was granted to Farheen Haq, Paul Pahal, Gurpreet Chana, and Bageshree Vaze.
Joint letter to DHS about DACA
This is a joint letter to Laura Dawkins, Chief of the Regulatory Coordination Division at the Office of Policy and Strategy, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The letter is from the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) DACA Collaborative, a national network that serves the AAPI community.
Joint Letter to President Barack H. Obama Regarding Secret Surveillance of American Muslim Community Leaders
This is a joint letter from multiple civil rights, human rights, privacy rights, and faith-based organizations addressed to President Barack H. Obama. The letter expresses concerns following a report published by First Look Media indicating that the FBI and NSA targeted American Muslim community leaders for secret surveillance.
Eligibility for Employment Authorization for Battered Spouses of Certain Nonimmigrants
This is a correspondence from South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) and twelve other organizations to Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, dated January 10, 2013. The letter is in response to the December 12, 2012 Draft Policy Memorandum regarding Eligibility for Employment Authorization for Battered Spouses of Certain Nonimmigrants.
Joint Letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano about NSEERS
Dated June 21, 2012, this letter is from the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) to Janet Napolitano, then Secretary of Homeland Security. The 43 members of CAPAC express their concerns about the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS), which primarily targeted Muslim and Arab visitors to the U.S. following the September 11 terrorist attacks.