Draft of letter from Bhagwan Singh
Draft of a letter by Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to a Canadian Khalsa, requesting donations in order to support the publication of Nava-Jug. A handwritten note on the letter suggest that it was written in 1949 or 1950.
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Mr. Winter
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to William Winter, a news reporter on KABC Los Angeles. Titled “The Need of Our Time,” the letter outlines Gyanee's ideology, and mentions how Gyanee had met Winter at Jerry Hundel’s reception for the Consul General of India.
India Needs Your Help Not Tomorrow But Now
Typed pamphlet titled "India Needs Your Help Not Tomorrow But - Now," from the Los Angeles Branch of the All-World Gandhi Fellowship. The pamphlet explains the mission of the All-World Gandhi Fellowship to promote non-violence and satyagraha, to win friends for India, and to educate the public about the conditions in India.
Telegram from U.S. Attorney in NYC to U.S. Attorney in San Francisco
Telegram from US Attorney Francis Gordon Caffey in New York to US Attorney John W. Preston in San Francisco. This telegram is associated with the 1917 Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial, during which Ghadar Party activists were charged with attempting to foment a rebellion in India.
Letter from Kala Bagai to Ram Bagai
A letter from Kala Bagai to her son, Ram, describing her personal memories of her husband, Vaishno Das Bagai, from his nationalist interests as a teenager to his migration to the U.S. in 1915. The biography mentions that Bagai was helping the Gadar party even while in India, and goes into greater detail about Bagai's association with Ram Chandra, the editor for the Gadar.