Hatred of Hindu and Moslem Makes Britain's Rule Secure
Newspaper clipping from the front page of the March 15, 1925 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle. The clipped article is titled "Hatred of Hindu and Moslem Makes Britain's Rule Secure" by Stanley Mitchell.
Marine Corps Band Plays for Sick Kiddies
Newspaper clipping from the May 16, 1918 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle. The article cut out describes the Marine Corps Band playing a free concert at a Children's Hospital. Included in the article is a photograph of Ram Bagai playing with a Marine drummer.
UC Hears Liaquat Ali
Newspaper clipping from the San Francisco Chronicle entitled “UC Hears Liaquat Ali.” The article documents a speech given by Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan at the University of California - Berkeley in May of 1950. Khan spoke to 2500 students in UC’s Greek Theatre and warned his audience that “only those who make war can primarily maintain peace.”
"Through India With Camera and Mascara"
Newspaper article providing back story about how Ram Bagai acquired “Gyandev of India” among other Indian films during a trip to India in early 1940.