Legal Document
Legal document that documents Mahesh Chandra's appointment of Ramnath Bansal to execute the deed of settlement in favor of "Darampura Pachisi Society Regd."
Graduation Diploma for Mahesh Chandra
Diploma of graduation for Masters of Arts degree for Mahesh Chandra from the Leland Stanford Junior University.
India's Heroic Struggle
Poster advertising lecture by Mahesh Chandra on "India's Heroic Struggle" at the weekly meeting of the Humanitarians, a Christian Reform group.
Rani Bagai on "Kala Bagai Chandra and Mahesh Chandra"
Part of a video interview of Rani Bagai conducted on June 3, 2013. In this section, Rani Bagai describes her experiences with her grandmother Kala Bagai Chandra and provides information regarding her marriage to Mahesh Chandra. Rani describes how Mahesh Chandra was originally a close friend of Vaishno Das Bagai and his wife Kala in the U.S..
Photograph of Bagai and Chandra families
Photograph of Bagai and Chandra families. From far left to right: Ramesh Chandra, Mahesh Chandra, Vaishno Das Bagai and Kala Bagai. The woman holding the flowers next to Kala is Mahesh's sister, Prabha Chandra.