Letter from Taraknath Das to H.R. Roberts
Letter from Taraknath Das to H.R. Roberts dated June 9, 1914, thanking him for his help in being admitted as a citizen of the U.S.
Here's Letter To The World From Suicide
Article titled "Here's Letter To The World From Suicide" from the March 17, 1928 edition of the San Francisco Examiner. The article reports on the suicide of Vaishno Das Bagai, and reprints the letter he left for newspapers.
Certification of Indian Citizenship for Ramesh Chandra
Certificate of Indian citizenship for Ramesh Chandra dated June 26, 1950. The certificate includes information about Chandra's father, place of birth, and present address.
Diploma for Kala Chandra
Diploma awarded to Kala Chandra for successful completion of the Citizenship Course of Study prescribed by the Board of Education and approved by the United States District Court. Awarded in Los Angeles, on December 15, 1949.
Letter from D.W. Caufield to Chairman of Senate Committee on Immigration
Letter from D.W. Caufield to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Immigration. Caufield, a Navy veteran, argues that he fought for all to enjoy liberty in the US, and as such he is in favor of the proposed bill allowing immigration from India.
Certificate of Naturalization for Avnashi Ram Premi
Certificate of naturalization for Abnashi Ram (here written as Avinasi Ram Premi) dated April 10th, 1953. The certificate lists Ram as residing in Los Angeles and his age as 53 at the time of naturalization.