"Devastating Flood In Bangladesh" Flyer
This flyer, titled “Devastating Flood in Bangladesh,” distributed by the San Francisco Bay Area Bangladesh Association (BABA), details the effects of flooding in Bangladesh in an appeal for donations.
India Relief and Education Fund Appeal
Appeal dated August 1, 1998 urging members to donate to help provide relief for the worst cyclone to hit Gujarat in over 25 years. The cyclone killed 1,100 people and injured over 2,000. At the time of writing, 1,700 people were missing. About 2,000 of the dead and missing were migrant workers employed in the salt mining industry living in shanty towns near the port city of Kandla.
"Drought Relief Appeal"
Email dated April 28, 2000 by Maharaj K. Kaul urging coworkers at General Electric to donate to the California-based India Relief and Education Fund (IREF) to help provide drought relief for the worst drought in India for over 100 years.