List of defendants in the 1917 Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial
A list of defendants and those mentioned in the indictment for the 1917 Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial with Bhagwan Singh's handwritten annotations regarding the current status of each individual.
Letter from the United States Attorney of the District of Hawaii to John W. Preston
Letter from the U.S. Attorney of the district of Hawaii to John W. Preston assessing a possible witness for the Hindu-German Conspiracy trial. The witness was described as having lived in India for years, declaring an intention to become an American citizen, and also not being a particularly strong witness.
Letter from United States Attorney of the District of Hawaii to John W. Preston
Letter dated December 17, 1917 from U.S. Attorney of the District of Hawaii to John W. Preston regarding the 1917 Hindu German Conspiracy Trial. The U.S. Attorney of the District of Hawaii suggests to Preston that he follow up on a potential informant who had been a non-commissioned officer aboard the “Geier,” whose crew was interned in Salt Lake City.
Letter from United States Marshal to John Preston
Letter dated December 31, 1917 from United States Marshal to John W. Preston regarding a German national living in Fresno, California who did copywork for Ram Chandra on Ghadar Party-related documents and provided information useful to the 1917 Hindu German Conspiracy case.
Letter from Edward White to United States Attorney
Letter dated December 28, 1917 from Edward White at Angel Island Station to the U.S. Attorney regarding a telegrammed request from a District Intelligence Officer in Vancouver, Canada for information on Ram Chandra and Dewa Singh.
Letter from Mr. Black to John Preston
Letter from a Mr. Black, US Attorney, to US Attorney John W. Preston, informing him of a possible witness for the 1917 Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial, during which Ghadar Party activists were charged with attempting to foment a rebellion in India.
Letter from United States Attorney to William Todd, Esq.
Letter dated December 27, 1917 from U.S. Attorney to William Todd, Esq. regarding an article published in a Honolulu paper and copied extracts from Capt. Grasshoff’s diary.
Letter from U.S. Attorney in Detroit to U.S. Attorney in San Francisco
Telegram from the U.S. Attorney in Detroit to the U.S. Attorney in San Francisco dated December 21, 1917 informing the U.S. Attorney in San Francisco that William Jarosch, who was wanted as a witness in the 1917 Hindu German Conspiracy Trial, would arrive in San Francisco on Wednesday that week.
Memorandum from C.H. Calhoun
Memorandum written by C.H. Calhoun, Director of Posts in the Panama Canal Zone. Calhoun relates the contents of a letter addressed to a Rala Singh in Panama, and advises Singh be investigated for possible connections with Giani Pritam Singh Dillon.
Letter from U.S. Attorney in San Francisco to U.S. Attorney in Tucson
Letter from US Attorney John W. Preston in San Francisco to the US Attorney in Tucson, requesting that deportation proceedings be initiated against Naranjan Das. Das was a defendant in the 1917 Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial, during which Ghadar Party activists were charged with attempting to foment a rebellion in India.