Letter from Mubarek Ali Khan to Senator Richard B. Russell
Letter from India Welfare League President Mubarek Ali Khan to Senator Richard B. Russell, chairman of the Senate Committee on Immigration. The letter, on League letterhead, urges Chairman Russell to swift consideration of S.236, a bill to permit all people from India residing in the United States to be naturalized. The letter became part of the committee's records regarding S.236.
Letter from Muhammad Ali Jinnah to Mubarek Ali Khan
Copy of a 1941 letter from Muhammad Ali Jinnah, then president of the All-India Muslim League, to Mubarek Ali Khan, president of the India Welfare League, supporting Khan's work "for the betterment of the Indians and particularly of the Musslmans [sic]." Khan sent this copy of the letter to the Senate Committee on Immigration to underscore widespread support for S.236, a bill to permit all people
The New India Bulletin (November 1945)
This copy of the India Welfare League, Inc. publication, The New India Bulletin, is part of the Senate Committee on Immigration's records regarding S. 236, a bill to permit all people from India residing in the United States to be naturalized. The front page includes a "Petition to the Congress of the United States...with reference to Senator Langer's Limited Bill SR 236."
Letter from India Muslim League of America to Senator Richard B. Russell
Letter from India Muslim League of America to Senator Richard B. Russell Senator (D-GA), chairman of the Senate Committee on Immigration urging consideration of S.236, a bill to permit all people from India residing in the United States to be naturalized. The letter became part of the committee's records regarding S.236.
Correspondence to Mubarek Ali Khan
Compilations of letters written to India Welfare League President Mubarek Ali Khan by Sir Girja Shankha Bajpai, Minister Plenipotentiary and Agent General for India to the United States, and the Honorable Nalik Sir Firoz Khan Noon, India’s Representative on the War Cabinet, respectively. Messrs.