Here's Letter To The World From Suicide
Article titled "Here's Letter To The World From Suicide" from the March 17, 1928 edition of the San Francisco Examiner. The article reports on the suicide of Vaishno Das Bagai, and reprints the letter he left for newspapers.
Letter from American Consul to Vaishno Das Bagai
Letter from American Consular Service to Vaishno Das bagai, dated December 15, 1920. The letter reads, "At the request of the Deputy Commisioner of the Northwest Frontier Province, Peshawar, I send you herewith certificates regarding your nativity."
Passport Photo of Vaishno Das Bagai
Passport photo of Vaishno Das Bagai. It is stamped by the Dept. State and signed "V.D. Bagai." It is understood that Bagai applied for a US passport in 1928 but was denied, due to nullification of his naturalization after the United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind Supreme Court decision. This photo may have been part of that passport application.