Biography of L. Vaishno Das Bagai
A 2-page biography of Vaishno Das Bagai that narrates his background in Peshawar, his migration to the U.S. in 1915, and his involvement in the Gadar Party. The biography indicates that in Peshawar, Bagai was friends with K.R. Sabarwal and Pandit Ram Chandra, the editor of Gadar.
Yugantar Circular
Copy of pamphlet titled "Yugantar Circular," containing a print of a polemic titled "The Delhi Bomb," which endorses and provides a political reading for assassination attempt made on Viceroy of India Lord Hardinge in Delhi on December 23, 1912. The front page contains a note signed by Ishwar Chandra.
The Failure of British Rule in India
Pamphlet published by the Friends of Freedom for India titled The Failure of British Rule in India. The pamphlet contains a printing of a speech given by U.S. Senator Joseph I. France delivered in the Senate on October 14, 1919.
A Protest Against the Torture of War Prisoners in India
Bulletin titled "A Protest Against the Torture of War Prisoners in India," which presents an open letter to the Delegates at the Conference on Limitation of Armaments and on Far Easter Questions. The letter is dated December 7, 1921 and signed by Sailendra N. Ghose, Taraknath Das, Sarat Mukerji, Noni Gopal Bose, and Haridas Gayadeen.
India and the Present World Crisis
Essay titled "India and the Present World Crisis" by Taraknath Das, reprinted from Amerasia, October 1939. A handwritten note at the top reads "With the compliments of Taraknath Das."
India in Revolt
Gadar Party publication titled India in Revolt by Ed Gammons, which includes several reports on the Gadar Party and events pertaining to the Indian freedom movement. Includes headlines like "Gadar Party Honors President De Valera," . The last page includes a report on the deportation cases against Taraknath Das, Gopal Singh, Bhagwan Singh, D.K. Sarkar, Santokh Singh, and S.N.
Canada and India
The January-February 1917 edition of India & Canada (Vol. 3, No. 1), subtitled "A Monthly Journal of Information and Conciliation" published several new sitems reporting on Indians in Canada, the U.S., South Africa, and Trinidad.
India Today (February 1946)
February 1946 issue of India Today, the monthly bulletin issued by the India League of America. The bulletin includes short reports on famine in Bengal, provincial elections in Sindh, American Troops in India, and shorter items regarding the activity of the Indian nationalist movement, as well as the work of Sirdar J.J. Singh, President of the India League of America.