Postcard to Abnashi Ram
Postcard to Abnashi Ram. The postcard discusses Abnashi Ram’s new store: "We are anxious to hear how your new store is getting along."
"People at Work"
Article in Pulse, "a publication for Collins radio company employees", dated September 1968. The article profiles Roshan Sharma, Alice Campbell, and Ron Renfrow.
Letter to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from R.J. Dixit, thanking him for a previous letter and explaining that Ram’s friend K.L. Dixit recently had a heart attack and is suffering from a case of pneumonia. He is improving, but progress is very slow.
Letter to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from K.L. Dixit, telling Ram of his recent experiences in India. He states that the experience was very rewarding, though he was disheartened by the levels of poverty in the country.
Letter to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from K.L. Dixit, thanking Ram for a previous letter and adding that so far Dixit has not heard from Ram’s son Guru. Dixit also states that his gift shop business is doing poorly and may soon close.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Mr. & Mrs. Dixits
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Mr. and Mrs. Dixits. The letter discusses Abnashi Ram’s points of view on various political topics, including Republic Day and the tensions between India and Pakistan. The letter also touches on problems with a new business venture.
Postcard to Abnashi Ram
A postcard written on October 20, 1964 from Vancouver, British Columbia to Abnashi Ram in regards to the sender’s recent vacation through Washington, Oregon, and California. The picture postcard shows a photograph of the Bayview Travel Lodge in San Diego, CA. The writer’s signature is illegible.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to J. Francis Guyton
Letter from Abnashi Ram to J. Francis Guyton. In the letter, Abnashi Ram inquires about Calvin, an attorney who prepared a Patent Application for Roshan.
Letter from Lachman Das to J. Francis Guyton
Letter from Lachman Das to J. Francis Guyton. In the letter, Lachman Das expresses his wish for both J. Francis Guyton and Abnashi Ram to visit him in India.