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"In some strange way, I feel validated. So much of my experience was hidden or unseen before 2016 and now that xenophobia, racism and misogyny have taken center stage, there’s more open conversation about these issues..."
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What is your voting plan?
I already voted!
In what ways, if any, have your feelings about America changed since the 2016 election?
Its challenging to sum up how I feel about the USA since the 2016 election, because my feelings shift from day to day. In some strange way, I feel validated. So much of my experience was hidden or unseen before 2016 and now that xenophobia, racism and misogyny have taken center stage, there's more open conversation about these issues and the importance of being engaged in politics and in dialogue with the full history of this country. I feel hopeful for the future and for what we can all bring to fruition. At the same time, I feel tired and distressed. The general news media have been disappointing in their continued focus on ratings and clicks while there seems to be a very real lack of critical thinking and understanding of science amongst Americans, which is concerning. Precedents have been and continue to be set, which could set us down a backwards path.

How have the last four years impacted you personally?
I have been more vocal about my point of view and also make more of an effort to engage in conversation with others on all the above. I'm fortunate that my work, health and personal circumstances remain stable since 2016.

What is something about the 2020 election cycle that you want to be sure we remember in the future?
Remember that we are still not "post-racial" and that voting rights are still compromised.

What are you most hopeful about for 2021 and beyond?
For more representation in every area of public life, including government, arts and business. And hopefully for a broader and more inclusive and just understanding of community, contribution and prosperity.

What is your voting plan?

I already voted!