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" As an immigrant it feels a little blasphemous to critique the idealisms of America, but it really begets the question of whether or not America can be upheld to the same standards it was once held to."
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What is your voting plan?
I am planning to vote!
In what ways, if any, have your feelings about America changed since the 2016 election?
I think that the full dissemblance of the "American Dream" has really come to fruition for me in the past four years. In some ways, it was necessary -- since the 2016 election more systematic issues have been brought forth but the reaction to these issues has been, to say the least, subpar. As an immigrant it feels a little blasphemous to critique the idealisms of America, but it really begets the question of whether or not America can be upheld to the same standards it was once held to.

How have the last four years impacted you personally?
In some ways, I have felt personally let down by a lot of my peers, friends, and family. I think in a time where we should really be evaluating our own privileges and how we have each in some way contributed to some of the atrocities in America, that there was a lot of willful ignorance. Also, there is something to be said about the onslaught of worries that the last four years have brought on. I worry about the possible overturning of court cases like Obergefell v. Hodge which effects my right to get married, I worry about overturning Roe v. Wade which effects my right to my reproductive rights, health, and privacy, and I worry about police brutality and climate change all of which are concerns that as a woman in her mid twenties makes me wonder if things like family planning are obtuse and a selfish cause when considering the America we live in today.

What is something about the 2020 election cycle that you want to be sure we remember in the future?
Maybe a little off topic but voting is still difficult in 2020! Things like voter registration, false ballot boxes, and the suppression of mail in ballots have made this not just a contentious election but also a difficult one. I hope 100 years from now that doing something as seemingly basic as voting because a much more accessible process.

What are you most hopeful about for 2021 and beyond?
I am hopeful that more people will feel impassioned to work towards a more inclusive America.

What is your voting plan?

I am planning to vote!