A Message from the Hindu Temple
A booklet published by the San Francisco Vedanta Society in regards to the Hindu Temple of San Francisco and Vedanta. Contents include: 'What is Vedanta?', 'Some Questions on Vedanta', quotes from great thinkers and religious works, 'The Vedanta Society', and 'General Features of the Hindu Temple'.
Mr. Shima (1914)
Produced in 1914, this 15-minute, black-and-white film captures the California estate of George Shima (born Kinji Ushijima, 1864-1924), one of the wealthiest Japanese-American farmers of the time. The film is unique in that it contains footage of several South Asian laborers on the farm, in two sections: "Migrant Laborers from India" (1:09-1:20), and "Onion Fields" (1:21-1:44).
Men sitting on a wooden sidewalk
San Francisco. 1910. [Men sitting on wooden sidewalk, one Indian or South Asian man in turban.]
Hindu laborers
Hindu laborers. [Indian farm laborers tending field.]
Hindoo Temple in San Francisco
Webster St. bet. Union & Filbert Sts. 1921. Hindoo [Hindu] Temple, the only one in the United States, San Francisco, Cal.
Hindoo Temple in San Francisco (in background)
Engine Co. No. 20, on Filbert St. between Webster & Fillmore Sts., showing transition between horse-drawn and motorized vehicles. James Rolph, Jr., with hard hat, in center, and son Jimmy. Hindu Temple, with minarets, corner Webster & Filbert Sts., background.