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Letter from W.M. Uphaus to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee

Letter to Bhagwan Singh Gyanee from W.M. Uphaus, Vice President and General Manager of Arms-Yager Railway Car Company.

Date: September 27, 1946
Subject(s): Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Type: Correspondence
Language: English
Creator: W.M. Uphaus
Location: 407 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois

5, Sept. 27, 1946. Dear Doctor: I am almost ashamed at not having responded to your welcome letter of a month ago. What can I say that will cause you to give proper weight to the reasons? The truth is that most pressing problems have so monopolized my attention as a press back social considerations. Trying to forecaste the trend of changing actualities in my affairs and preparing to meet future probabilities as they come to pass, has absorbed my thinking time not required for current, routine activities. My expendable energy is sufficient for no more than a short business day. After current duties, not to be neglected, have been attended to not much of my time and energy is left for concentration on other matters. It is easy enough to say: “Relax, and let things take care of themselves.” That is too negative a state to suit my temperament for any length of time. In this mood no urge seemed sufficient to direct myself to formulate ideas that would interest a man like yourself, who cannot abide trivialities and shallow observations, or anything short of cosmic magnitudes. The end of this month brings me to crossroads where certain decisions must be made--whether to cancel leases of shop and office, terminate the services of long-standing employees and dissolve the organization ( a painful thought), although our car equipment is still not definitely sold. However, I am taking the first definite unretraceable steps in that direction. Once the business organization is broken up a subsequent revival is out of the quest ion, for on account of the impossibility of recruiting new labor, building a new set-up in shop and machinery and obtaining necessary material for maintenance of the cars. The stage has been reached where important elements of the situation are sufficiently matured so that I have confidence that everything will come out “just right.” Now, in this sweetly peaceful state of mind I am inclining my thoughts dear Doctor, in your direction, with”attention, under tension, and a definite intention.” What you expressed about memories of our past associations is also definitely my experience. There associations form a delightful magnetic spot in my memory pool, in which my recollection daily goes fishing for the wily, subtle concepts with which you have stocked it. Now and then I catch a big one, which often has eluded me,-and also recapture many of the smaller fry which, rolled in thought crumbs and seasoned with psychic condiments, make a delectable dish that would satisfy a professional epicure. Of you as the main source of these enjoyments my gratefulness and appreciation shall never end. 2. That time is a two-way stream is a happily framed description. Clearly, our past is a springboard, so to speak, from which we leap into the future. The extent and magnitude of our expansion into the future, however, does not depend altogether upon our inheritance, but equally much upon choice of direction and the determination to “keep on going.” That expresses the “unconquerable sour” so glorified by Henley in his famous poem “Invictus.” As for the Chicago group, it is the sorry truth that up till now no meeting has taken place--for several governing reasons. August was vacation time for many, and Madame Del Predo was away in this month till the 24th. As for myself, Miss Scheidt’s death July 31 set me behind in looking after my affairs practically two weeks, in which I devoted nearly all business hours in helping her brother, who came here form Alberta a total stranger in Chicago, knowing nobody and unfamiliar with the situation, to locate and gather up her sparse means and sort and dispose of her personal property and belongings, and settle up obligations which arose from her demise and the burial arrangements So one thing after another obstructed our getting together. During the next two weeks my time is expected to be taken up very largely at the shops in getting old machinery, tools and car repair parts sorted and put in shape to be sold and in efforts to make sales and buyers can be found. However it is my intention to get in touch with Mdame Del Predo as early as possible next week and suggest that a meeting time be set, with notice to the various members. I believer that keen enough interest can be aroused to make a second meeting in October promising and fruitful. As something comes to pass in this direction I shall be happy to write you again. Warm greetings to you and any Denver friends who have not yet forgotten me. Sincerely, W.M. Uphaus Dr. Bhagwan S. Gyanee, 1201 South Clarkson Street, Denver, Colorado.

Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Digitizer: Anne Vagts, Samip Mallick
Item History: 2012-07-22 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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