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India-America Society Bulletin (January-February-March 1968)

The January-February-March 1968 issue of the India-America Society Bulletin (Vol. 5, No. 2) marked the tenth anniversary of the India-America society. The editorial note, written by R. Lal Singh, discusses celebrations held for the anniversary of the society, and a brief history of the organization. The bulletin explains that the India-America society was first organized on January 20, 1957, and included the following members: Maneck Anklesaria, Bhagwan Singh Gyanee, R. Lal Singh, Vivian Thind, Victoria Pinard, Frank C. Chookolingo, Gertrud Nasri, Ramu Pandit, and A.K. Jain. A longer list of past presidents of the organization is also included in the bulletin. Several programs for the India-America Society organized "Seminar India" are advertised. A brief note in memoriam of Brij M. Bagai is included on the last page.

Community Media

Language: English
Source: India-America Society Bulletin
Creator: Sushila Janadas
Contributor: R. Lal Singh
Location: California

Collection: Ram Bagai Materials
Donor: Rani Bagai
Item History: 2013-07-16 (created); 2013-08-27 (modified)

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