"Nehru in America"

Article from the American Weekly by its science editor, Gobind Behari Lal, entitled “Nehru in America.” The editorial emphasizes the importance of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to the United States and praises his “scientific, historical, and humanitarian passions” and takes note of meetings between the top scientists of India and the United States. It also specifically mentions the thorium deposits in India—”well known” to US Ambassador Loy W. Henderson—and claims that Indian scientists are “capable of solving atomic problems.”

Visitors & Exchanges

Subject(s): Jawaharlal Nehru
Type: Newspaper Clipping
Source: The American Weekly
Creator: Gobind Behari Lal

Collection: Godha Ram Channon, Papers of
Item History: 2014-11-05 (created); 2023-01-26 (modified)

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