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Anthony F. Gomez, Son of Prince of The Punjab, India

Early Immigration

Date: February 18, 1911
Subject(s): Anthony F. Gomez
Type: Newspaper Clipping
Language: English
Source: San Francisco Call & Post

Pneumonia Fatal To Naval Veteran

Anthony F. Gomez, Former Employe of Pay Office, to Be Buried Tomorrow

Surrounded by the members of his family, A.F. Gomez, for 44 years conncted with the navy pay office in this city, died yesterday morning at his home, 2622 Gough Street. He was 74 years old and contracted a slight cold a few days ago, which developed into pneumonia.

Gomez was a Parsee, the son of an Indian prince of the province of Punjab, and was born in Lahore in 1837. He left India at the age of 12 and went to London. He was given an education in that city and in 1860 made his home in Brooklyn, N.Y. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, who took the young man in hand and was training him for the ministry, changed his name from Conjee Rustumjee Cohoujee Bey to Anthony Frank Gomez.

In 1863 Gomez entered the navy and served for two years during the civil war. He came to San Francisco in 1867 and had been in the employ of the government ever since.

When he was 52 years old Gomez married Miss Suzanne Dutreux. Besides his widow Gomez is survived by a family of four: Mrs. Charles H. Singleton, wife of C.H. Singleton assistant secreatry of the Claremont country club; Frank A. Gomez, Mrs. Charles W. Painter of Los Angeles and Miss Mariette Gomez.

Burial with full military honors will be given Gomez by the General Thomas post, G.A.R. tomorrow morning. Interment will be at the Presidio.

Item History: 2024-06-07 (created); 2024-06-07 (modified)

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