It's SAADA's 9th Birthday!

JULY 10, 2017

I am so excited to be celebrating SAADA's 9th Birthday with you today!

From the very beginning, this has been a grassroots effort with a critically important mission – ensuring that South Asian American voices are not lost. It goes without saying how necessary this work is right now, at a time when the importance of immigrant communities to American society is being questioned. Through our work, SAADA remains steadfastly dedicated to engaging our community's past to create a more inclusive future for all.

We need your support to keep SAADA strong to our 10th birthday and beyond.

Each donation of $19.40 sponsors our server costs for one additional day. By donating now, you help us ensure that the important resources we have created together over the last nine years remain freely accessible to everyone.

Thank you, as always, for your support!


Samip Mallick
Executive Director
