Help us improve the SAADA user experience!

FEBRUARY 18, 2014

Do you want to help SAADA grow? Do you have suggestions for how we can better serve you? Please help us improve the SAADA user experience for our community by completing this short survey. You can make a difference!

The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how and for what purposes our archive is used, what user needs are being met, and what can be improved upon. The information we collect will be used to improve the interaction and usability of the archive. Anyone over the age of 18 may participate.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you agree to participate, please click on the link or go to:

You will be taken to an external website. The study will ask you to perform a few simple searches on the SAADA website and answer questions based on your interactions. No personal information will be accumulated or saved.

This study is being conducted by graduate students at the UCLA Department of Information Studies. If you would like more information about this study or have any questions, please contact Emily McNish and Elizabeth McDonald at
