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Mohamed Ibrahim Ghouse, "Education for Indian Students in England and America" (1920)

An article by Mohamed Ibrahim Ghouse in the February 1920 issue of the Hindustan Review on Indian students studying in England and America. Ghouse urges readers interested in more information about American universities to write to the Hindustan Association of America. He also argues that Indian students who come to the United States will be uniquely fitted to return and "play their part patriotically [...] in the great tragic drama of Indian National evolution," and in "Indian Industrial Independence." Ghouse cites the example of China, who send "thousands of her students yearly to America for technical training and industrial education," and Japan, who should be an "inspiring object lesson to teach every industrially backward nation the intense importance [...] of the economic power in the life and liberty of a country or people."

Early Student Life

Date: February 1920
Language: English
Source: The Hindustan Review
Creator: Mohamed Ibrahim Ghouse

Item History: 2011-10-26 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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