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"Everything feels less stable. I'm less optimistic about the future of the country, and the rest of the world in general."
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What is your voting plan?
I am planning to vote!
In what ways, if any, have your feelings about America changed since the 2016 election?
Everything feels less stable. I'm less optimistic about the future of the country, and the rest of the world in general. It feels like a lot of the progress that was made has been undone.

How have the last four years impacted you personally?
I've noticed significant shifts in cultural and family dynamics mainly due to politics. This presidency has been far more divisive than unifying and has shed a light on the dangers of unfettered individualism that is part of what founded this country and its privileges.

What is something about the 2020 election cycle that you want to be sure we remember in the future?
It would depend on the state of the country and the world 100 years from now. But this presidency was a step backwards and the two-party system should've been eradicated a long time ago.

What are you most hopeful about for 2021 and beyond?
Honestly it's hard to be optimistic in light of what is happening, regardless of who wins. But I guess I'm hopeful about the lessons and meaning we will find once COVID is (hopefully) past us.

What is your voting plan?

I am planning to vote!