Our Stories
An Introduction to South Asian America

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Chapter 4: Post-9/11

Explore this chapter:
• The Post-9/11 Backlash and Response
• Watched
• Hiding Osama Bin Laden
• The Pain of Others
• Guantánamo Bay
• Breathe

The Post-9/11 Backlash and Response
Page In the book For further exploration
137 See the image in SAADA's archival collections.
138 See the image in SAADA's archival collections.
138 "DRUM and the NCSO" Inset Learn more about DRUM at drumnyc.org and about the NCSO at saalt.org/the-coalition
139 "Lavaan by Zain Alam" Inset Discover more about Lavaan in SAADA's "Where We Belong: Artists in the Archive" project page.
139 "The Week After 9/11" Inset Read the rest of Ada Tseng's "Why this Musician Wants to Understand Xenophobia Today by Remembering the Past" in The World.
Page In the book For further exploration
142 See the image and read the rest of Philip Deslippe's "Bhagat Singh Thind in Jail" in TIDES.
143 The Week After 9/11 Read the rest of the report "American Backlash: Terrorists Bring War Home in More Ways than One" by SAALT.
145 Further Reading Read the rest of Marina Budhos' Watched (New York: Wendy Lamb Books, 2016).
Hiding Osama bin Laden
Page In the book For further exploration
148 See the image in SAADA's archival collections.
149 "Bullying in Schools" Inset Read more at the following reports:
The Pain of Others
Page In the book For further exploration
152 "Black Lives Matter" Inset Discover more about the Black Lives Matter movement at blacklivesmatter.com.
153 "Islamophobia" Inset Read the rest of the New York Times article "Attacks on U.S. Muslims Surge Even as Their Faith Takes Hold".
154 "Love, Inshallah" Inset Read more from Nura Maznavi's and Ayesha Mattu's Love, InshAllah: the Secret Love Lives of American Muslim Women (Berkeley, CA: Soft Skull Press, 2012).
155 See the image and read the rest of Jaret Vadera's "Between, Beneath, and Beyond" in TIDES.
Guantanamo Bay
Page In the book For further exploration
158 See the image and read the rest of Sharmadip Basu's "The Case of Twenty-Two Hindus" in TIDES.
160 "T5 by Swet Shop Boys" Inset Discover more music by and information about the Swet Shop Boys at swetshopboys.com (Internet Archive).
Page In the book For further exploration
164 "Eckshate" Inset Discover more about Eckshate at drumnyc.org/eckshate.