Letter from Bhagwan Singh to Government of India Information Service

Letter from Bhagwan Singh to Government of India Information Service regarding publication of Nava-Jug.

Date: March 17, 1950
Subject(s): Nava-Jug
Type: Correspondence
Language: English
Creator: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Location: 1261 Laurel Avenue, Hollywood, California

1261 Laurel Ave.,
Hollywood 46,

March 17, 1950

Government of INDIA
New Delhi, India

Dear Sir:
The managing Committee of Nava-Jug is expecting to make its Punjabi and English paper, a weekly "Voice f Indians abroad", that it may carry the message of free and modern India to our Nationals in foreign lands and in return focus their attention and devotion upon the problems of Motherland.

We contemplate issuing from time to time special numbers on special occasions for which we are in urgent need of the photographs, with brief biographical sketches of all the Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Government Officials in Delhi and Counsellor Service wherever India's relations are established.

Will you be good enough to supply us this needed material for our publication?

A couple of issues of Nava-Jug are being for-warded to you under separate cover.

Please send us also:--
a-- Two copies of the New Constitution of India
b-- A complete report of Hydrabad Case with the trial of Razvi and his followers, with court's decision etc.
c-- The complete Cashmere case information available.
d-- Any other material that you think wise to in-clude toe our country-men outside of India.

Thanking you very kindly in advance,

Sincerely yours,

(Dr.) Bhagwan S. Gyanee
Managing Editor.

P S:-- Please also enclose the fuul report of the trials of the associates and of Gadse, assasin of MAHATMAJI. Many thanks. B.S.G.

Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Digitizer: Anne Vagts, Samip Mallick
Item History: 2012-07-16 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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