Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull

Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Ellen Watumull dated October 4, 1960. Gyanee mentions that he has been hospitalized at the General Hospital in Chandigarh, but will be released on October 9th. The letter also mentions that his "Self-Culture institute" received five packages of books, donated by the Watumull foundation, and that the Institute's inauguration will be held Christmas that year.

Date: October 4, 1960
Subject(s): Ellen Watumull
Type: Correspondence
Language: English
Creator: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Location: Chandigarh, India

Mrs GJ. 2443 Koa Ave Honolulu 15 Hawaii Chandigarh, - Oct 4, 1960 My Dear Mrs. Watumull; At present I am under observation at the General Hospital, in Chandigarh brought down by ambulance last Tuesday Sept. 27th. It is always the same round of symptoms, dizziness, vomitting, (but no diarrohea this time) followed by extreme depletion and dehydration. They find nothing organically wrong, except that enlarged right lobe of heart... It is most annoying to be thus forced to interrupt my activities. However, I understand I am to be released Sunday the 9th. Just the day before this attack happened, we received 5 packages from Sather Gate Shop, S.F. containing 37 books in in all that was on Sept 23rd. It is a splendid contribution of scientific knowledge to our growing Library for which please accept my heartfelt thanks. The date for the Inauguration of "Self-Culture Institute has bee decided for Dec. 25th, 1960. It will be immediately followed by a short Seminar of only one week,-(taking advantage of the holidays) to which a select group of writers, professors, scholars, etc. of not more than 25 are being invited, for intensive training and exprimentation. Wish you were here to witness and endorse, by your very presence, my initial efforts in the service of our Motherland. How are you and is your family with you? Do please convey my greetings and best wishes to all of them. I sent you a previous letter acknowledging the reception on Aug 12th of the 2 pkgs of "Organic Magazines" you sent and which are full of valuable information, as well as 3 pkgs from San Francisco received on Aug 18. Trust you have received it long since. Many thanks again for your active support in establishing the Library of the Institute. Do let me hear from you when the spirit moves you to include me in your busy life, by me, I mean my work, of course. As ever, Sincerely yours,

Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Digitizer: Anne Vagts, Samip Mallick
Item History: 2012-08-05 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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