Request for Submissions


A project by Mustafa S.

As part of the Archival Creators Fellowship Program, SAADA is interested in your contributions to our growing collection on queer and trans south Asian American experiences. Read more about the motives and framing of this work in Mustafa's blog post. We welcome submissions of materials related to queer and trans south asian organizing and activism, art, writing, performance, and personal histories.

In particular, we welcome the following forms of engagement:

We are seeking submissions of archival records that tell the story of queer and trans south asian collectives across the U.S. These collections are centered around organizations, collectives, performers, artists, poets, and other expressions of queer and trans south asian identities. We will work with the group to narrow down a selection of records, ensure that privacy and safety are maintained, and help write the associated metadata for inclusion in the collection. These "artifacts" are either born-digital or digitized by us, so the originals are retained by the owner. Contributions include photographs, recordings, flyers, internet posts, newspaper ads, and other mediums. We are particularly interested in challenging the artificial borders of what classically defines an archival record.

We are collecting oral histories from queer and trans south asians who are interested in sharing their life journeys. These conversations involve collaborating together to record a narrative on significant life experiences. Participating in an oral history does not require sharing any information you wish to keep private, and can help contribute to a greater understanding of the lived experiences of queer and trans south asians. Oral histories can be conducted digitally or in person.

SAADA will be launching a participatory storytelling project in Spring 2020 to collect short recorded stories from queer and trans south asians. In advance of the project launch, we are seeking early participants to submit responses to prepared prompts. Simply download the deck of prompts HERE, record your responses, and share your responses to to participate.

Interested in collaborating? Please reach out to to be in touch!