Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated August 4, 1948. Das urges Channon to organize the California Indian community against Partition. "It does not matter if we only get 50 people in California who are really with us for the cause of establishing a United States of India and no Partition," he writes. "Number does not count. It is the quality of men and women which counts.
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated September 17, 1950. Das writes about the difficulties he has encountered from Indian officials in trying to organize aid for earthquake victims in Assam.
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated August 3, 1950. Das complains that no one in the Indian government has spent as much as five cents to help him distribute his article on Kashmir, but they have enough money to throw elaborate parties for handsomely-compensated Indian government employees in the U.S.
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated January 9, 1949. Das writes, "My prediction that Kashmir will be partitioned is going to prove correct [...] We cannot help it; but, we can educate the people in India through articles printed in The Indian Press."
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated November 11, 1950. Das tells Channon that the Mary Keatinge Das Memorial Lecture was a success, with over 700 people in attendance. Mary Keatinge Das was Taraknath Das’ wife and a cofounder of the NAACP.
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Taraknath Das to Godha Ram Channon dated August 28, 1950. Das informs Channon that he is continuing to work for an end to Partition and shares his plans to distribute both a pamphlet and article on Kashmir.
"Pickets at Dutch consulate"
Newspaper clipping dated July 30, 1947. Clipping states, "Representatives of the Negro people and the peoples of Greece and India will participate in the picket line before the Dutch consulate [...] to protest the Dutch attack on the Indonesian Republic [...]." Godha Ram Channon is named as the picketing representative of the National Committee for India’s Freedom.
Letter from Gobind Behari Lal to Godha Ram Channon
Letter from Gobind Behari Lal to Godha Ram Channon dated November 8, 1952. In it, Lal addresses Channon’s son Prakash regarding a complaint he made that, because Lal failed to mention his father’s role in the Ghadar Party and related revolutionary movements, he did not introduce him properly at a recent dinner party.