"An Indian Business Man In San Francisco"
Publication by Gobind Behari Lal entitled "An Indian Business Man In San Francisco", detailing the life story of Godha Ram Channon and the success of his San Francisco-based import/export business.
"Nehru in America"
Article from the American Weekly by its science editor, Gobind Behari Lal, entitled “Nehru in America.” The editorial emphasizes the importance of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to the United States and praises his “scientific, historical, and humanitarian passions” and takes note of meetings between the top scientists of India and the United States.
"The Ideal of Greatness in India"
Essay on Indian intellectual and philosophical history titled "The Ideal of Greatness in India" by Gobind Behari Lal.
Letter from Gobind Behari Lal to Editor of The March of India
Letter from Gobind Behari Lal to the editor of The March of India contesting a statement made by Khushwant Singh in an article published in the January-February issue which accused Ram Chandra, President of the Ghadar Party 1914-1917, of being a "British spy." Ram Chandra was shot and killed by a member of a rival faction of the Ghadar Party during the Hindu-German Conspiracy Trial (1917).