Letter from Bhagat Singh Thind to His Father
A letter written in Urdu from Bhagat Singh Thind to his father, dated January 21, 1914 and written from Astoria, Oregon. In the letter, Bhagat Singh Thind discusses the his reaction upon hearing the death of Sardar Khushal Singh, and a dispute over a loan his father was paying in Punjab.
Letter from Bhagat Singh Thind to His Father
Letter in Urdu from Bhagat Singh Thind to his father, dated December 21, 1914 and written from Astoria, Oregon. In the letter, Thind explains that he is including 280 rupees, of which some is meant for his younger brother Rulia Singh to go to the fair. Thind also inquires about his brother Jagat Singh.
Lease Driver Coalition Letter
Letter announcing the formation of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance from the Lease Driver Coalition.
Letter from Abnashi Ram
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Nawab Sahab to express his disappointment in being unable to meet up with him. Ram goes on to discuss concepts such as death, ego, and anger, recounting the experience of losing a family member at the age of six.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram, addressing Ram’s anger about a comment made by a mutual friend (Ajit Singh). Kitchlew acknowledges the comment was wrong but urges Ram to remember that Singh is young and naïve.
Handwritten Letter
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram in Urdu, focusing on the Sino-Indian War fought a few months previously. Kitchlew is highly critical of China and its communist system of government, and goes into great detail about the relationship between China and India. The letter includes many Urdu-specific metaphors and analogies.