Photograph of Vaishno Das Bagai and Others
A photograph of Vaishno Das Bagai and others. A handwritten note on the back of the photograph identifies others in the photograph, including Ramesh Chandra, Abnashi Ram Premi, and indicates the picture was taken in the early 1920s.
"Nose Diamond Latest Fad Arrives Here From India"
Newspaper article from September 1915 issue of San Francisco Call & Post reporting on the "nose diamond fad" from India and describing Kala Bagai's arrival in the United States with her family. The photograph in the article is of Kala Bagai with her son Ram (who is incorrectly identified as Kala's daughter).
Marine Corps Band Plays for Sick Kiddies
Newspaper clipping from the May 16, 1918 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle. The article cut out describes the Marine Corps Band playing a free concert at a Children's Hospital. Included in the article is a photograph of Ram Bagai playing with a Marine drummer.
Abstract From Records
Newspaper clipping from the September 4, 1920 edition of The Recorder. The newspaper includes a list of documents recorded on September 3, 1920, including a deed by V.D. Bagai.
Copy of Complaint and Summons in V.D. Bagai vs. C.R. Badger, et al.
Copy of Complaint and Summons in V.D. Bagai vs. C.R. Badger, et al.. A newspaper clipping is pasted onto the copy, which reads, "The creditors of C.E. Herrick, Incorporated, a concern which lends money on real estate and automobiles, petitioned yesterday to have it declared bankrupt. V.D. Bagai, the Isaac Upham Co. and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are the petitioners."
Letter from Friends of Freedom for India to Dr. D.S. Jordan
Letter to D.S. Jordan from the Friends of Freedom for India signed by President Robert Morss Lovett and Secretary Agnes Smedley, dated July 21, 1919. The letter describes the recent arrest and possible deportation of four Indians -- D.K. Sarkar, Gobind Behari Lal, Baghwan Singh, and Santokh Singh -- in addition to Gopal Singh and Taraknath Das, who were earlier arrested for deportation.
Letter from Josephine B. Bennett to Friends of Freedom for India Members
Fundraising letter from the Friends of Freedom for India signed by General Secretary Josephine Bennett, dated June 1, 1921. The letter discusses the expansion of branches to Boston and Philadelphia, and publicity work in the Hearst Papers, as well as news items in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, New York, and Boston.
Letter to Friends of Freedom for India Members
Letter from the Friends of Freedom for India signed by Secretary Agnes Smedley and President Robert Morss Lovett, dated November 2, 1920. The letter promotes a National Convention in New York City on December 5, 1920, in order to promote the cause of Indian independence.
Letter from Agnes Smedley to Friends of Freedom for India Members
Letter from Agnes Smedley on behalf of the Friends of Freedom for India, dated November 20, 1920. The letter promotes a concert to be held on January 8, 1921 at Rand School Auditorium, for which the proceeds will be "devoted for the furtherance of the cause of India's independence." Included on program is Basanta Koomar Roy, who was to speak on "Oriental and Occidental Music."