Photograph of Badri Das Bagai
Photograph of Badri Das Bagai, brother of Vaishno Das Bagai. The back of the photograph contains the following description: "Uncle Badri Das (my uncle - Papa's older brother)."
Letter from American Consul to Vaishno Das Bagai
Letter from American Consular Service to Vaishno Das bagai, dated December 15, 1920. The letter reads, "At the request of the Deputy Commisioner of the Northwest Frontier Province, Peshawar, I send you herewith certificates regarding your nativity."
Eighth Grade Certificate for Mahesh Chandra
Los Angeles City School District Eighth Grade Certificate of Promotion from Boyd St. School. for Mahesh Chandra. The certificate is dated June 27, 1913.
Travel Inspection Card
Travel Inspection card for Chandra Prabha, for a ship departing from Hong Kong on June 4, 1910.
Letter from Ishwar Chandra to Mr. & Mrs. Wright
Letter from Ishwar Chandra addressed to the Wright family, dated October 5, 1910. In the letter, Chandra mentions that he is responding to a letter the Wrights had sent from Nowgong, India on July 6, 1910, which was forwarded by Chandra Shekhar Misra.
India's Three Greatest Dangers
Hand-written essay titled "India's Three Greatest Dangers" by Ishwar Chandra, written in 1917. Chandra uses the Nalanda Club based in Berkeley, California as his address.
What Do We Want?
Book titled What Do We Want? by M.N. Roy, published in 1922 by Edition De La Librarie J.B. Target.
The Origin of The Aryans
Book titled The Origin of the Aryans by Isaac Taylor, originally published in 1890 by the Humboldt Publishing Company.