repeat movement until by Nadia Misir
"repeat movement until" was composed by Nadia Misir, who holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Queens College. The poem gives elegaic voice to a wedding ring handed down in a family and evokes its experience with labor, with skin, with surfaces, with temperatures, with grandmothers and granddaughters, with death.
One Last Bag by Elizabeth Jaikaran
"One Last Bag" was composed by Elizabeth Jaikaran, the author of the short story collection Trauma. With its buoyant wit, it levitates what is otherwise heavy: the weight of an overstuffed suitcase and, through the figure of a migrant trying to please her Queens cousin, the weight of family expectations.
Nirmala Rajasingam Singing About the Death of Her Sister
Audio recording of Nirmala Rajasingam singing a Carnatic rendition of a poem about the murder of her sister, Tamil feminist dissident Dr. Rajani Thiranagama. The poem was written by S.Sivasegaram. Nirmala Rajasingam has performed this piece at numerous memorials for Rajani Thiranagama and other Tamil dissenters assassinated by the LTTE, including Kethesh Loganathan and Maheswari Velayutham.
Línea Abierta: "Bhangra And Son"
Episode #6283 of Línea Abierta, produced by Radio Bilingue, reporting on the premiere of "Half and Halves," a dance performance directed by Joti Singh which explored the history of Punjabi-Mexican families in the early 20th century. Featured guests include Zenón Barrón, Alvaro Ray Singh, María del Consuelo Singh Robledo, and Farida Jhabvala Romero. Aired December 27, 2010.
Shilpa Agarwal Interview on KPFK Morning Show
Interview aired on KPFK Morning Show April 25, 2002. During this segment, KPFK's Sonali Kolhatkar interviewed Shilpa Agarwal about Artwallah, an annual festival of South Asian American art.
Interview with Kamala Gururaja
Kamala Gururaja is a high school senior from Brooklyn, NY. She has been a SAADA First Days Project Community Historian since 2021. She is an avid reader of Asian American history and literature and is passionate about preserving and sharing the stories of Asian America.