Invitation Card
Invitation card from Mr. S. K. Patil, Mayor of Bombay, to Abnashi Ram. The event is "in celebration of the second anniversary of the Indian independence".
Letter from S.K. Patil to Abnashi Ram
Letter from S.K. Patil to Abnashi Ram, thanking Ram for a previous letter and promising to let him know when the writer is in Delhi next.
Letter to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, notifying Ram that the conditions of his $500 bond in relation to Raj Kumari Premi Sharma have been fulfilled.
Letter from Sister Sraddha to M.R. Ahuja
Letter from Sister Shraddha to M.R Ahuja. Letter is dated August 3, 1959. In the letter, Sister Shraddha discusses Ahuja’s upcoming visit to Los Angeles.
Letter from Randolph A. Hearst to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Randolph A. Hearst to Abnashi Ram. Letter is dated December 6, 1950. Hearst apologizes for being unable to meet with Ram earlier, among other topics.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to G.D. Birla
Letter from Abnashi Ram to G.D. Birla, in which Ram refers to Bank of America’s interest in investing several million dollars in “prospective manufacturing enterprises,” an offer in which Birla was apparently uninterested. Ram thanks Birla for his past service to India’s independence movement and warns that a “strong atomic force” is needed to offset the threat of communism.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to G.D. Birla
Letter from Abnashi Ram to G.D. Birla, in which Ram refers to Bank of America’s interest in investing several million dollars in “prospective manufacturing enterprises,” an offer in which Birla was apparently uninterested. Ram thanks Birla for his past service to India’s independence movement and warns that a “strong atomic force” is needed to offset the threat of communism.
Telegram to Abnashi Ram
Telegram to Abnashi Ram from Frank Freeman, Board Chairman of the Association of Motion Picture Producers (the modern Motion Picture Association), inviting Ram to an upcoming reception and dinner which will be attended by 14 movie industry stars from India.
Letter to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from Janet Prendergast at Warner Bros. Studios, advising Ram that Mr. Warner is not in town, but arrangements can be made for an appointment once he returns.