Letter from P. Mathur to Abnashi Ram
Letter from P. Mathur to Abnashi Ram. Letter is dated August 2, 1963. Mathur discusses his youngest son, Francis, and other topics.
Letter from P. Mathur to Abnashi Ram
Letter from P. Mathur to Abnashi Ram, wishing Ram a happy new year and asking that he find out whether Mathur’s son Francis in Pasadena is well, since he has not written in nearly two months. Mathur also asks for the address of a mutual friend in Chicago.
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram. Letter is dated August 22, 1957, and is written on the letterhead of the US House of Representatives. In the letter, Saund discusses his studies of the teachings of Lincoln and Gandhi.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Frank Stedman Wilson
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Frank Stedman Wilson, Director of the Department of Foreign Commerce, congratulating Wilson on his position. Ram lays out his proposal for a friendship society between the United States and India, and assures Wilson that Congressman Dalip Singh Saund will stand behind this idea.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Bonnie LeBrecht
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Bonnie LeBrecht, discussing the state of his income tax return and noting his pleasure that his daughter (Raj Sharma) is happy in the United States. He discusses a visit with Hubert Long, who complained about a business deal with David Watamull (Ram’s employer). Ram says he will visit Los Angeles soon, and asks that LeBrecht forward a letter to his daughter.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Khwaja Ahsan Ullah
In a letter dated March 23, 1950, Abnashi Ram wrote to Khwaja Ahsan Ullah, Trade Commissioner for the Jammu and Kashmir government. The letter regarded a shipment of goods received from Kashmir, Ram’s daughter Raj, and the current state of India and Pakistan.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad, praising Mohammad for his political work and adding that Ram was honored to make his acquaintance recently. Ram expresses his belief that disunity between India and Pakistan is only a temporary state of affairs, and invites Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq to visit the US.
Kashmir Visitor's Permit
Kashmir visitor’s permit, issued to Abnashi Ram at age 51. The permit is dated May 12, 1949.
Letter from C.M. Bakshi to Abnashi Ram
Letter from C.M. Bakhshi to Abnashi Ram, thanking him for a previous letter and advising that “Sadiq Sahib” (likely Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq) will visit the US if he can spare the time.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Saifudin Kitchelew
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Saifuddin Kitchlew, remarking that Ram has not heard from Dr. Kitchlew or his nephew Mumtaz in some time. He asks if he might be able to meet Kitchlew in India, and says that his daughter (Raj Sharma) is happy in the United States.