Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram thanking Ram for his condolences on the recent death of Kitchlew’s uncle, Indian activist and politician Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew, and noting that neither Jawaharlal Nehru nor India News eulogized Dr. Kitchlew. Followed by a letter to Braj Kumar Nehru questioning why Dr.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram discussing India’s Muslim Personal Law Application Act of 1937. Also mentions the book published by a mutual friend named Roshan Lal Sharma, entitled Holy Men and Holy Cows.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram commending his recently published editorial; Kitchlew mentions his desire to solve the “Kashmir problem.”
Letter to the Editor of the Hindustan Times
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to the editor of the Hindustan Times eulogizing his uncle, Indian activist and politician Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew.