Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram notifying him of the closure of Kitchlew’s business in Chicago, the Mumtaz India Shop, after 39 years in business.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to A.K. Dar
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to A.K. Dar, the Indian chargé d'affaires, following up on Kitchlew’s previous letter to then-Ambassador Braj Kumar Nehru asking why Indian activist and politician Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew (Mumtaz Kitchlew’s uncle) had not been eulogized in India News upon his death.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram which mentions the book published by a mutual friend named Roshan Lal Sharma, entitled Holy Men and Holy Cows. Kitchlew also relates that he encouraged Sharma to pursue publication of a book on the history of the Ghadar Party.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram discussing the death of Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, the Second Kashmir War, and the Tashkent Declaration. Also includes an excerpt of a letter sent to Kitchlew by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, as well as Kitchlew’s response to Thind.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to an unknown recipient, though seems likely to be the Dr. Guyton who is referred to as “Doc” in other correspondence.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram about the death of their mutual friend Dr. Anup Singh Dhillon. Kitchlew met both Dhillon and future communist politician Achhar Singh Chhina at the Ghadar Party Ashram in San Francisco in 1922.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram discussing Kitchlew’s trip to Pakistan and various political matters, including a public condemnation of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, an assassination attempt against Ayub Khan, the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race, and the Vietnam War.