Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram, detailing Kitchlew’s trip to Seattle during the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair. Kitchlew writes that he did not stay long enough in Seattle to see the fair, instead going on to Vancouver for the first time in 33 years; after touring Victoria, he plans to return and see the fair, then fly back to Los Angeles and visit Dr. Harish Bhalla.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram, discussing Ram’s recent move to a new home. He also informs Ram that he has managed to sell a previously-ordered batch of zari bags at his store in Chicago, and asks Ram to procure him an additional 100 bags (or, as he refers to them, “jewels”).
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Roshan Sharma
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Roshan Sharma, thanking Sharma for a previous letter in which he expressed condolences for the death of Kitchlew’s wife Helene. Kitchlew reminisces about Helene’s first meeting with Roshan’s wife Raj, and says he regrets that she was unable to accompany him on another trip to California.
Letter from M.R. Ahuja to Abnashi Ram
Letter from M.R Ahuja to Abnashi Ram where he discusses Arya Samaj and how it relates to education of the next generation.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Mumtaz Kitchlew
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Mumtaz Kitchlew containing some details from a visit to Srinagar, Kashmir, and how Ram and his family spent the holiday season.
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Saifudin Kitchlew
Letter from Abnashi Ram to Saifudin Kitchlew detailing matters of business including the potential of opening an office in Bombay, India.
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram, praising Ram for his analysis of the political situation in India and agreeing that Partition was a mistake. Kitchlew adds that though India purports to be secular, he believes it is becoming a Hindu state in response to Pakistan’s status as a Muslim state, and informs Ram of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s successful visit to the United States.
Telegram from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Telegram from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram. It appears to be a request that 2,000 rupees be sent to Kitchlew’s uncle, Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew.
Telegram from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Telegram from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram. The telegram is difficult to read but includes “send money,” “Delhi,” “America,” “Kashmir trade,” and “come if possible.”
Letter from Saifuddin Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Indian activist and politician Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram, which refers to Kitchlew’s nephew Mumtaz and an unspecified offer Mumtaz has made. Dr. Kitchlew offers to introduce Ram to M. Y. Nurie, former Minister of Public Works, so that Ram can meet more people in Bombay. He also asks if Ram would like to visit Kashmir in the future.