Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Mumtaz Kitchlew to unknown recipients, wherein Kitchlew relays the news of their mutual friend Dr. Syud Hossain’s passing.
Letter to Abnashi Ram from unknown writer, discussing how “Bette” will no longer write letters for the author because she has found love, and expounding on the author’s views of love and friendship.
Letter from Roshan Sharma to Marion Saund
Letter from Roshan Sharma to Merion Saund dated April 22nd, 1973. The letter is short and contains condolences upon hearing of Dalip Singh Saund’s passing. "If a man’s worth is judged by his works and deeds, Honorable Dalip Singh Saund’s name will last as long as the memory of the Indian community is alive and as long as the political history of America is in vital form.
"Saund's Condition Reported Critical"
Newspaper clipping from May 3rd (probably 1970-1972). Contains the details of Dalip Singh Saund’s critical condition, stating that he had a cerebral hemorrhage on a flight from California to Washington. Saund was taken by ambulance from Baltimore to the Naval Medical Center after the flight.
Letter from Kingsbury Smith to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service to Abnashi Ram, replying that Ram’s proposed organization for the promotion of friendship between India and the United States would be a governmental issue that he could not undertake; Smith suggests Ram contact the Department of State.
Letter from Robert C. Alexander to Dalip Singh Saund
Letter from Robert C. Alexander to US Representative Dalip Singh Saund, relating that their mutual friend Abnashi Ram recently proposed an organization for the promotion of friendship between India and the United States, and that Alexander supports this initiative.
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram. The letters discusses Ram’s past recuperation from an illness that left the two unable to meet. Ram also discusses his plans to meet with Mr. Patil, the Food Minister for India. Saund writes, "I am hoping that [Mr.
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram. Saund discusses Mr. and Mrs. Glen Powers, friends of Ram’s. Saund plans to "do everything possible to make their visit in Washington pleasant." Saund also says he will supply the couple with passes to both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Dalip Singh Saund to Abnashi Ram confirming that Saund has received Abnashi Ram’s previous letter. The letter also discusses democracy in India and the United States and Saund’s desire for increased dialogue between the two countries.
Letter from Eliva W. Bell to Abnashi Ram
Letter to Abnashi Ram from Elva W. Bell, executive secretary to US Representative Dalip Singh Saund, informing Ram that his letter has been forwarded to the congressman while he is traveling in India.