News & Updates

SAADA featured on 6abc

MAY 17, 2014
SAADA was featured on 6abc's Visions 2014 special focusing on Asian American heritage airing May 17, 2014.

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Help us tell the story of South Asian Americans in Politics!

MAY 1, 2014

Help us improve the SAADA user experience!

FEBRUARY 18, 2014
Do you want to help SAADA grow? Do you have suggestions for how we can better serve you? Please help us improve the SAADA user experience for our community by completing this short survey. You can make a difference!
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Recap: SAAN Conference

JANUARY 22, 2014
Last weekend I had the privilege of delivering a keynote address at the 12th annual SAAN undergraduate student conference at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. SAAN (South Asian Awareness Network) aims to increase awareness of issues salient to South Asian communities, encourage its participants to engage thoughtfully with their surroundings and promote innovative solutions to issues of social justice. It is one of the largest undergraduate South Asian American student conference in the country.
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From Chicago to the White House

NOVEMBER 7, 2013
We started SAADA in 2008 because we recognized that stories from South Asian American communities were in danger of being forgotten by history. Today, our freely-accessible digital archive contains nearly 1,500 items reflecting the diversity of South Asian American experiences. Back in 2008, we could never have imagined that we would come this far.
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